Friday, April 15, 2005

The tables have turned!

On Sunday, Essie became the first girl ever to break my heart. The heartbreaker is heartbroken. This just came out of the blue. What's a guy going to do now? Well, she still wants to see me. She wants some space to figure out some things. Yeah, same kind of things that I said to my last girlfriend. This has just been devastating to me for the simple fact that since we've been together, Essie has been my whole world. We spent all our free time together. We was like peas and carrots. Now I'm alone. I have no friends anymore. Times have changed. People have changed. My roommate doesn't go out much anymore. My friends Gregg and Mandy have a baby, so they don't go out anymore. I have to find new friends to hang out with. So I'm taking applications. Come hang out with me.

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