Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

The new year. What fun. I time to start over. I guess. My friend and I were saying last night as we were about to go out that it just seemed like another Friday night. What is so special about the new year? I don't know, but you might as well go with it, right?

So here I am with my look back at the year that was 2004.

Most memorable moment: In a moment of drunken genius, I got naked at Beth and Essie's house and allowed Melissa to shave my balls. It was my first time ever at Beth and Essie's house and despite the apparent lack of quality drunk judgement and my naked ass on Beth's pillow, they invited me back. And by the way, there really is nothing like a shorn scrotum. It's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Least memorable moment: Well, if I could remember that, then it wouldn't be the least memorable now would it?

Moment I would like to forget: One night I had an argument with my former fiancee that ended with me calling the cops just to get her out of the house.

I met Essie and Beth in February. Since the shaving incident I have spent about 90% of my time in their company. Good times with good friends. Essie was even nice enough to take me home for Christmas when my family abandoned me.

Goodbye: I broke up with my girlfriend, Heather, after three years. See also, moment I would like to forget.

Best meal: Essie and I went down to Layton to eat at Tepanyaki. It wasn't just a meal, it was a show. I ate a piece of shrimp. I don't really like shrimp. I will remember 2004 as the year I tried a lot of new foods that I formerly wouldn't be willing to poke a stick at.

Favorite Movie: I really can't think of a good movie from this year. It might hit me later. I remember that most of the summer movies weren't very good. Maybe I'll say Shrek 2. Just because. Or Euro Trip because that was hilarious.

Favorite Song: Accidently in Love by the Counting Crows, just because it was a theme song of sorts for me this summer.

Best Party: Fourth of July. I started a three month bender on Fourth of July weekend. I remember this party in particular because of the massive amount of beer that we had. We had two big garbage cans full of empty beer bottles.

Best new Fad: Poker. 2003's World Series of Poker is what got me interested, but I didn't start playing until this year. Now we have a weekly poker game at my house and I have played a little bit of internet poker.

Best book: I only read one book this year. The fifth Harry Potter book. I tried to read some others, but I guess it didn't work out. Well, actually, I guess I did read some other books. I went to the library more than a few times. But I don't remember any of them. Oh well.

Best Christmas Present: I got Beth a Donkey Punch shirt as part of an inside joke between me and her. As for me, seeing as how I only got Christmas presents from Beth, Essie, and my brother this should be easy to pick out. Essie got me this coat that I had been saying that I wanted. It was she pays attention to me or something.

Best Concert: This is easy. Phil Vassar in Jackpot. Not only did I win the tickets, but I got to go to the concert with Essie, and it was in Nevada where I could gamble. The show was excellent. I like Phil Vassar's songs and he was good at interacting with the crowd. Quite entertaining.

Yeah, if I can think of anything else to add to the list, maybe I'll do that later. K.

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