Saturday, February 26, 2005

taxes suck

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. But does anyone care? I mean really. Who reads this? But I persist. Here's what's gone on the past month and a half or so since last I posted.

Super Bowl: actually a good game. I was expecting a blow out. Philly surprised me. I'm glad they lost though. I'm not a Philly fan. Whether it be NFL, NBA, or MLB. I would throw NHL in there too, but ehh, I didn't even know they weren't playing until last week when a press conference ruined my daily lunch time ESPNews viewing. Anyway, back to the Super Bowl... The commercials were pretty good. I liked the Bud Light commercial where the guy threw the beer out of the plane and the pilot jumped after it. That would have to be my favorite.

Valentine's Day: I was being thoughtful this Valentine's so I made Essie dinner (actually I did not plan ahead and make reservations). I went the whole nine yards with flowers, candlelight, wine, clean eating utensils, etc. She appreciated my efforts. I must say I was impressed with myself. I actually made a good meal from scratch. It wasn't even anything I've ever made before. I went out on a limb just kind of putting things together that sounded good. I should open a restaurant or something.

Sara Sighting: I actually saw my old friend Sara yesterday. Despite living in the same small town, we have not gotten together in the longest time. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw her. But yesterday we got together for dinner at Fazoli's. We hung out there for about four hours chatting away. I think the staff thought that we were kind of weird and were probably wondering if we would ever leave. It was a good time though.

Taxes: I owe taxes this year. What's up with that? I did my taxes last night and I'm expecting a decent refund, but nooooooo! I owe the IRS. I'm going to have to do some creative deductions just to get it down low enough that I might actually be able to pay it. For example, I downloaded a W-9S form, which should enable me to claim some extra deductions on interest paid on a school loan. We'll see.

Laundry: Every once in a while I do laundry. This weekend has been one of those times. Not fun. I liked it back in the day when instead of doing laundry I would just buy new clothes instead.

The Mouse that Fell from the Sky: So one morning Essie pulls up the covers and looks around and I'm wondering what she's doing. There is a dead little mouse in bed with us. A dead mouse! I knew that tap-tapping in the walls wasn't just my imagination. The window in my bedroom is sort of unfinished, so I'm thinking it came out of there. Ugh! So I moved my bed away from the window and now I need to get some traps or something in case more come exploring.

11:11, make a wish

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