Saturday, January 15, 2005

I can't read

I'm not much of a reader. I'm one of those, why read when you can watch the movie kind of guys. Yeah, it's more fun that way. When I was in college I didn't buy books. I did my freshman year, but then I realized that it was a good chunk of cash that went to something I didn't even use anyway. Plus it pissed me off that you could buy a book for $200 and the book store would only buy it back for $2.50. The internet is a great tool for people like me. You can get book summaries with the click of a mouse. When I was in high school I was a big fan of Cliff's Notes. What can I say? I like the easy way out. My freshman English teacher in high school said that Cliff's Notes were no substitute for actually reading the book. Yeah, whatever. I got an A in her class. Every once in a while I actually do read some books though.

Favorite book: Youth in Revolt This book is hilarious. I can't read those intelligent type books that make you think about the world and crap. I like my books to be fun and this is the prime example. Just a fun book about a kid trying to deal with growing up.

Favorite "Had to read this in high school because it's a classic" book: A Tale of Two Cities Ok, well, I don't really like this book at all, but when I think of a book that I had to read in high school, this is the book. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Yeah, that line describes high school too.

Last book read: Pictures of Hollis Woods I haven't read the whole book, but I started reading this at school the other day. I was watching a class during their reading time and this was sitting there so I picked it up and began to read. Pretty good so far. I believe it's a Newbery Award Winner.

Last book read entirely: Free Fall I pick my books out from the young adult section of the library. This one comes from one of my favorite authors, Joyce Sweeney.

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