Saturday, March 05, 2005

no friends

So I came to the realization today that I don't really have a lot of friends. I was sitting at the bar this evening and there are a lot of people that know me. They come up, say hi, chit chat, and what not, but they aren't my friends. Just acquaintances really. The friends I do have though are good friends. Since I'm into making lists lately, here goes another one.

JaneL: Friend most in need of a blog shout out. I love Janel. We've been friends since high school in Turkey. She wins the award for the person I have written the most letters and e-mails to. There isn't even a close second on that.

Essie: Friend I spend the most time with. She just called me as a matter of fact and said she'd be coming over in a little bit. I love Essie. We have been friends since last year about this time when she started working at the Cotton Club.

Marcus: Friend I've known the longest. I love Marcus. We've been friends since the 5th grade. He would make the best role model of all the friends I have, a good guy all around.

Sara: Friend who brought me to Idaho. I love Sara. So much so that I came to Idaho almost 5 years ago so I could go to school and hang out with her.

Chris: Friend with the most expensive car. He drives an Escalade. I love Chris. He might be getting fed up with me though. I'm the annoying roommate that lives in his basement.

Gregg and Mandy: Friends with the newest baby. I love Gregg and Mandy. They just had a baby a couple of weeks ago. Fun for them. I bought Mandy some Girl Scout cookies. She should come over to the house and get them.

Bob: Friend with whom I cannot seem to have a sober conversation with. I love Bob. Everytime we call each other though, one of us is at the bar. Drunk. I have a habit of calling people when I'm drunk.

Well, these are the friends that I have had the most contact with in the past week or so. If you're not on the list and you're sad about that, you should give me a call or something.

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