Tuesday, August 31, 2004

shall we dance?

So I see that they are going to be remaking "Shall we Dance" with Richard Gere and J Lo in the lead roles. I like this movie. I watched it when I was taking Japanese class in college. But Gere and J Lo? hmmm. I don't know. The original version is a great movie. It's about a guy with a pretty decent life, but yet is looking for that extra bit of excitement to spice up the routine in his life. I think that's the appeal. Don't you always feel like you want more? It works in Japan because apparently guys aren't supposed to like to dance. The male characters in this movie were somewhat embarrassed by their shared desire to learn how to ballroom dance. Because I liked the original I'm going to have to check out the remake.

I took a ballroom dancing class in college. It was a great experience. I met Heather in the class. I also made one of my best friends in that class. It's funny because at the beginning of the class we had to take a survey about self-esteem and socializing. I though it was weird, but I would have to agree that my self-esteem increased and I socialized more during the course of the class. I recommend taking the class if you ever get the chance. Chicks dig guys who can dance.

Well, I have been neglecting my blog again this past week or so. I have an excuse though. I've been busy with school. The teachers came back to school last week and the kids came back this week. So far it has actually been kind of boring for me as I haven't had much to do. Just busy work like putting bulletin boards and stuff. In class, I have a desk in the back of the 6th grade classroom. I'm like a big kid.

After school I still go to my job at Developmental Options. I have been working 13 hour days. Well, if you can call it working. As I've said before, I don't really consider either of these jobs very strenuous. I enjoy myself. My only regret is that I don't get to hang out much with friends. But if I didn't have both jobs I would probably be spending my extra time doing nothing too productive like watching tv. Besides, I need the money. I dug myself a hole during my college years, now I have to find a way to climb out of it.

Song = "Me and Emily" - Rachel Proctor

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