Sunday, July 25, 2004

Hard Working Man

I work everyday. Combine that with partying every night and I'm kind of worn out. It's good for me though. I've spent the last few years doing as little as possible. So I'm like, building character and stuff....yeah. I guess. Now my ear is bleeding. Ack!

Ok, I think I have it under control.

The other day I took some test online that tells you how you lean politically. I'm an independent. Apparently I'm also poor, hate immigrants and same sex marriage, and more likely to vote for a third party candidate. Well, I am poor. They got that right. My mom's an immigrant and I don't hate her. I'm cool with same sex marriage. And I've never voted for a third party candidate. I would though, if there was one that had something good to say. I live in a very Republican part of the country. It's tough for anyone other than a Republican to get any support around here.

The thing I hate about politics is that no one my age votes. So politicians don't generally care about me. Let's fix social security and medicare. Because the people who need those are the ones who put butts in Congress. Maybe if I didn't work seven days a week I would start up a group for the young people of America that could rival the AARP.

The political issue that I am the most concerned about is education. I work in the education field and I just think it's a traveshamockery that education doesn't get the funding it needs. No Child Left Behind had good intentions, but I think it caused a lot of problems. Idaho is making the move toward making its students pass a test in order to graduate from high school. That sucks big time for people who have bad test anxiety. And then for some of the kids that I work with in Special Ed, they will never be able to graduate. Some of these kids are more adept socially and have more common sense than kids that can pass the test.

Teachers are losing out too. New teachers have to pass a battery of standardized tests in order to be certified. That sucks. What does being able to pass a test have to do with being able to reach students and bring out the best in them? We're going to have college professor types in our schools. Sure they know a lot about what they're teaching, but they don't really know how to teach it in a meaningful way. If it's not meaningful, then students aren't going to learn it as well.

blah, blah, blah. I don't really like talking about politics.

Music = Ch-Check it Out, Beastie Boys

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