Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm tired

I don't know if I've mentioned this before. I probably have, but I'm too lazy to look through past blogs. I'm tired of drinking. Ok, yeah, I've definitely mentioned that before. So, anyway here' s my plan: I want to meet a girl who likes to read the Bible and sing songs. Yes. And instead of going out to the bar, we can go to Bible study or hang out in the quad at school and tell everybody that they are going to hell. Sounds like fun, right? I just figure that I need to meet a nice, church-type girl. One who will love Jesus and me. And that way I won't talk about how much I drink anymore. I'll talk about happy things like how much Jesus loves me or how you are going to hell if you don't quit your heathen ways and accept Jesus as your lord and Savior.

Speaking of going to hell for heathen ways, I have challenged this girl from work to a drinking contest. (That's a step up, right? I met her at work and not the bar. We're just going to hang out there.) Tomorrow night after work, we are going to get torn up. Nice job me. But after tomorrow, I'm definitely not drinking anymore and accepting Jesus as the one and only way to heaven. Of course by definitely, I mean probably. And by Jesus, I mean the bottle.

Speaking of girls at the bar, I'm in negotiations with a sixth grader to go out on a date with her bartender sister. Yes, I get hooked up by 12 year olds. And yes, the bar is the center of my life, apparently even when I'm at school talking to sixth graders on the playground. Anyway, here's the story. All year, this girl has been trying to hook me up on a blind date with her sister. I always brushed her off for one reason or another, her being a sixth grader has a lot to do with it. But, I've been more receptive to these kinds of things lately, so I say okay, tell me about your sister. Well, she's a bartender at the Five Mile. Okay, so I go up there one night with my friend Gary. It's really busy, because it's $4.99 steak night. But she's really busy. I don't get to sit on her side of the bar. I introduce myself, but we don't really talk. The next day at school, the sixth grader is really disappointed in me for not calling. Okay, well I'm sorry, she was busy. So she gives me her sister's phone number. I call on Friday night, but she doesn't answer so I leave a message saying how I was sorry we didn't get a chance to talk, I'd like to get together some time, blah, blah, blah. But she doesn't call back. Today the sixth grader talks to me, says her sister was busy studying for finals. She'll call you when she's done. And when we were out talking on the playground her sister drives by. She stops at her house, which is by the school. So I wave at her when she gets out of her car and she waves back. But that's about where we are. I'll keep you posted on this wonderful drama, I guess.

Speaking of drama and sixth graders, I'm in the know with all the hot gossip in sixth grade. Elisa, who is like, oh my god, like so popular with all the boys, kind of brushed off Ryan last week to hang out with Ryker. And Ryker is just, like, so cool. And Ryan is kind of mad. But like, Ryker has been walking Elisa home. And it's like Ryan is jealous. And like yeah. Actually I talked to this girl, Elisa after school the other day when I was out on playground duty and she told me something I didn't think a 12 year old would be able to grasp. She said, "Mr. M, I'm only 12 years old. Is it really that important? I just want to have some fun and enjoy being 12." I wish I could have thought of that when I was in sixth grade. My adolescence would have been a lot less stressful.

Star Wars comes out next week. I'm getting my tent ready. I've taken the next week off of work so I can be first in line for tickets.

I signed up for the Napster free two week trial. I've downloaded every O.A.R. song available. Nice.

I ate at Wendy's tonight. Now I'm full.

My friend Bekki's birthday is on Sunday. Happy Birthday, Bekki.

Sara and I are going bowling on Friday night. Anyone want to join?

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