Saturday, May 14, 2005

Anti Social

I'm not going out tonight. Well, for right now anyway. My friend Raquel had talked me into going out earlier, so I said maybe that would be a good idea, but right now I'm not really feeling it. She is supposed to come get me later though and she is very persuasive.

Bowling was fun last night. If you haven't bowled in a while, you don't know what you are missing. My first game was a 191. Yeah, I'm good. Let's not talk about the second game. The last game was a 154. Not bad, if I do say so my self. And I do. Not bad. Anyway, I don't think Sara could handle the sheer dominance of my bowling game. She went home dejected, pretending that she had a headache.

Funny story...that girl, Elisa, that I was talking about a couple of blogs ago was at the bowling alley. She sat there and talked to me and Sara the whole time we were there. She is quite the chatterbox. By the way, if anyone wants an update on the whole Ryan-Elisa-Ryker love triangle, I have some juicy gossip for you. And yes, apparently each day I become more Woodersonesque. Just wait til you see me out on the cruise one night.

I tell you what, at random points during the day I come up with these great ideas about things to blog about, but then when I'm sitting here at the computer, all I can think of to write is stuff I do, mostly going to the bar. Yes. I'm psuedophilosophical I guess. I had good intentions when I started this blog. I really did.


Ok, after some excruciating contemplation, I have come up with an age old question that I have recently been arguing with the sixth grade teachers at school. Can men and women be friends? I say yes, they say no. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll get back to you on that.

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