Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Voting and Firing

So I voted today. Yay me. I got a sticker to prove it. Voting is fun. Just in case you didn't know. Everybody who was eligible to vote should have went out and voted today. It's easy for me to vote because the polling place is at the school where I work. I went and voted during recess.

One thing about working at school during an election is that you get to see how kids (or their parents, more likely) would vote. The Tendoy Elementary School student body I would have to say is solidly Republican. Some reasons kids told me to vote for Bush: He's cool, Kerry is stupid, Kerry will take away our guns (yeah, a fifth grader with guns), my mom said so. The faculty on the other hand is solidly Democratic. Some reasons to vote for Kerry: No Child Left Behind, Bush is stupid, Kerry will take away the kids' guns.

At this point, it looks like Bush is going to win. I won't say who I voted for, but I hope whoever wins leads this country in the right direction. I don't like the whole Iraq situation, but I support our troops. I am a military brat and I know some people going over there. I'm not worried about terrorism. I mean, I live in Idaho. I'm not overly concerned with the environment. I don't think kids in fifth grade should have guns. I don't think the economy is that terrible. Education is a main concern for me. I don't place blame on Bush for the current education problems. I see it as a lack of family and community support for education. NCLB was not solely created by Bush and the Republicans. I believe there was a Kennedy involved there. All in all I will say that it was a tough decision. The two candidates are pretty similar.

My favorite football team is the Cincinnati Bengals. Today I was comparing the presidential candidates to the two quarterbacks on the team. This is kind of a stretch, but follow me here. George Bush is John Kitna. He was the quarterback last year. Okay, he's no John Elway, but he was a good fit for the team in a rebuilding year (yeah, yeah, every year has been a rebuilding year since 1992). He wasn't spectacular, but he was steady. He did incredibly well and led the Bengals to an 8-8 record, their best in years. Bush hasn't been a spectacular president, but I believe he was a good fit for the turmoil of 9-11. He's not terrible. Carson Palmer is like Kerry. He sat it out all last year. He was a first round draft pick and a lot of people think he could be great. You know, like I've heard Kerry/JFK comparisons. But at the beginning of this year, he didn't have any experience for this job. Coach Marvin Lewis is the American electorate. He decided who would be the starter. He went with Palmer. A lot of people are second guessing that decision, but it's his first year and he has great potential. Yeah, okay it's a stretch. I said that.

Now on to the firing. Whoever wins this election, I hope they do better at stimulating the job market. I got fired from Developmental Options today. I felt it was kind of out of the blue. Although, I did dare them to fire me. See, I wanted Mondays off, but they didn't want to give them to me. I went with the approach that I was just not going to come in on Mondays because they weren't going to fire me, because they are already well-underhanded when it comes to employees. I felt I was in the position of power. Obviously, that was an insult and they surprisingly flexed some administrative muscle. Am I sad? A little bit. That was a good job. I mean, where else can you just sit around watching tv and get paid for it? Hopefully I'll get a new one though. A new and better one.

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