Monday, June 06, 2005

The Many Hats of Brian the way, anyone find my hat yet?

I was reading a blog (I don't know which one, but if you play six degrees of blog with the people who have made comments on mine, you might find it. Ten bonus points to anyone who does.) that made me think, that in different situations, you have to act different. Like you have multiple personalities. Do you know anyone who acts the same in every situation? So I'm going to try to identify some of the different mes.

Office Brian - Bernett is my office job. And for the most part when I'm there I try to act business/professional. I'm a supervisor, so I'm generally pretty serious and act all bossy. I am in role where I have to be pretty critical of others.

School Brian - I tend to act more like a big kid when I'm working at school. I try to make learning as fun as possible for my students.

Drunk Brian aka Frank the Tank - When I drink it's because I want to have a good time. Drunk Brian does a lot of yelling, stumbling, dancing, jumping, slobbering, and general annoying of other people. Drunk Brian is a lot more outspoken and more often than not should be slapped. And if he has your number, more often than not you will get a phone call.

Anti-Social Brian - Every so often I just don't feel like talking to people. I like to just stay home and watch movies or read books.

Karaoke Brian - This Brian often comes out with Drunk Brian. The difference here is that karaoke Brian can somewhat carry a tune, whereas, Drunk Brian is jumping around and yelling more often than singing. Karaoke Brian is only seen at the Cotton Club and has been noticeably absent for a while.

Sad Brian - Likes to hang out with Anti-Social Brian. Sad Brian wonders about where his life is going and often yearns for days gone by. One of his favorite things to do is listen to old cds.

Athletic Brian - Rarely ever seen anymore, Athletic Brian likes to play sports. Basketball is his favorite. He loves to sweat. He used to come out everyday, but now he doesn't have any friends to hang out with. He likes to wear striped socks.

These are just some of the Brians I know of. Right now Sleepy Brian is telling me that I should go to bed.

By the way, I added a new link to the side here. It goes to Faintly Macabre. Aunt Faintly linked to me, so I'm returning the favor. I knew her in high school, though we didn't hang out. Her blog is a great read. I've been reading it since I started this blog. It was sort of an inspiration for me to create my blog. Seven bonus points for anyone who can figure out which of my entries I stole as an idea from her.

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