Saturday, June 04, 2005

I'm back!

Well, it's been a while, I guess, since I wrote on the old blog. I've been a busy guy. This last week was the last week at school. We've had a lot of work at Bernett too. I've been worn out. I got off of work at 11 last night after getting up to be at school at 8 in the morning. It's been that kind of a week for me. So I've been spending all my free time trying to sleep.

Last weekend I was in Lake Powell. That was nice. It was so good to have a vacation for the first time in a long time. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I was able to forget all my troubles for one relaxing weekend. Now I remember why people love vacations so much. But then I had to come back to reality. It seems like last weekend was so long ago. I'll see if I can remember some of the finer points of my vacation...

I drove down on Thursday with my buddy Gary and this girl Megan that I used to hang out with back in the day. It was quite the long drive from Pocatello down to Bullfrog. We must have stopped to use the bathroom a dozen times. Megan and I were drunk by the time we hit Salt Lake. What can I say? It was her birthday. We drank a fifth of rum and had to stop at a liquor store in Price to buy another one. We also stopped at a bar there in Price where they charged enough for three shots that we could have bought two bottles of rum. Strange thing about Utah, we had to buy a membership in order to drink at the bar. Whatever works, I guess. We got to Bullfrog around 7 at night. We hooked up with some people and set up camp. Then we drank the night away.

I drove a boat for the first time. Did you know that if you go fast enough and hit the right waves, you can actually get your boat completely out of the water? I found that out. Gary wouldn't let me drive his boat anymore.

I think it was on Friday morning that I cracked open a beer at 9:30 in the morning. Yes, if the drive down was any indication, it was going to be a very drunken weekend. About every hour, this girl, Christa, rang the bell on the house boat and yelled out "Cocktails!" She gave me this little party favor that I was supposed to bring to every cocktail hour if I wanted to get a drink.
On the last night, I went around to trick or beer. I walked around in the dark with this other kid to other camp sites. If you say "trick or beer", people actually give you alcohol. What a wonderful concept. One guy gave me a shot of Jager. Henceforth, he was jager guy.

I lost my favorite hat. If anyone out there is in Lake Powell and they find this navy blue Bruins hat, that's mine. I lost it while Megan and I were riding the Big Momma. That was kind of disappointing. Oh well, I probably wore that hat way too much anyway. It's time for a new one.

The water in the lake was rising about one and a half feet a day. That is a lot of water to be filling the lake that quickly. We had to move the tent a few times to keep it from getting wet. I thought that was amazing.

I saw boobies. If you sit around long enough, a boat full of hot, half naked girls will fly by.

I took many pictures. One of these days, if we ever get the scanner fixed, I will share them with all of you. Should be fun.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of other things about my great weekend adventure. If I remember them, I will be sure to share them.

Jager ... jager ... jager!
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