Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's been a hard day's night...

...and I've been working like a dog. I was at work for 11.5 hours today. No lunch. I'm going to have boku overtime on this paycheck though. It will be nice. I could have used an after work drink, I guess. But no, I came home. Now I need to go to bed. No crazy drunken times for Brian these days. Not in a while.

I'm listening to Ben Harper right now. He played in Jackson when I was there a couple of years back. I didn't really listen to his music back then though. I think we actually tried to get into the show, but they wouldn't let us in. Something about needing tickets or something. If anybody is going to one of his shows this summer, I'll go with you.

I need to buy some new socks. I'm kind of lazy when it comes to laundry and right now I have no black socks to where to work tomorrow. I have to wear black socks with my black shoes. It just doesn't look right with white socks. yeah. If only I could find my argyle socks. I'd wear those too. But I can't find them. Oh well.

I was going to have something profound to say. But I always forget it when I start typing on here. So there you go. Another mundane post from Brian.

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