Monday, June 21, 2004

Life Should be a Musical

My friend Janel told me once that she wished life was a musical so that people would just break out into song and dance at random moments. Kind of a cool idea. the way, the music I'm listening to right now: Round Here - Counting Crows. I was watching "From Justin to Kelly" today on HBO. Kind of a funny show. It was a musical. That's what got me thinking. I didn't break out into song and dance while I was watching it, but I may...when no one is expecting it. Life would be a little happier, I think. I mean, how many musicals have you seen that were depressing. I always think of Gene Kelly, hopping and dancing around. Good times.

Happy Summer Solstice. I guess today was the day with the most daylight all year. I didn't really notice the difference. It was kind of cloudy at sunset. The other day I was watching the sunset in the distance while we had clouds overhead. There were flashes of lightning in front of the sun. Kind of cool.

Last night I had the strangest dream about when I used to work at Valleyfair. I went back there and I was trying to talk to people that I used to know, but I couldn't. Kind of weird. I wonder if I had the dream because I got an email from this guy Theisaroni that I met there. He wasn't in the dream though. It was mostly this girl Jacki Pond that I was trying to talk to. Funny, because I haven't seen her in about five years. I wonder what she's up to now. Probably not thinking about me. Here I go again, thinking about the past.

I sometimes wonder if all my good times are behind me. It's hard for me to think about the future. Life has just been kind of miserable for me lately and I long for days gone by rather than looking for a brighter future. I'm in a funk I just can't get out of. Blah! Now I'm listening to Heaven. The slow piano version by DJ Sammy. It isn't too hard to see we're in heaven. Yeah. Right. Now she's optimistic.

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