Sunday, June 06, 2004

Losing my virginity

Ok, well, here it is. A blog just for little old me. I've seen these before, but today I decided I need my own. I need to write stuff. There's a lot of things in my head that just need to get out. My life has been kind of turned upside down lately and I'm searching for something to land on.

My girlfriend has decided that she needs a break from me. That's been the catalyst for my retrospective what nots these past couple of days. Apparently I'm not the same guy she fell in love with. I'm not? I still feel like me. I don't believe I have changed. I think she just finally took off her rose colored glasses. She's the one who is changing. Her whole life is changing. And it's stressing her out. So now I'm sitting alone here, contemplating greatness. But anyway that's the inspiration for the Brian Alone title.

So as any pathetic loser would do after a big break up, I went to the bar for a couple of nights. I went to the Cotton Club, this karaoke bar here in town. I went in to sing a couple of "she hates me, life sucks now I'm angry" type songs. Just a couple...but I stay there the whole night. I get drunk. Sassie, the bartender, takes me home. We hang out and talk for a while because we're friends. Then we end up going to Jack in the Box. I don't usually go there, but she said they had great tacos. I'll tell you what, they aren't much to look at and I don't know what that meat filling is supposed to be, but the actually taste pretty good. I've been craving tacos ever since. So I go to bed at about four in the morning and I have to be at work by eight. I'll tell you, work wasn't a good day that day.

Friday night I go back to the Cotton Club to sing more "I'm pathetic" songs. I drink only water that night. And I end hanging out all night long again. I really am some loser bar fly...except I'm not even drinking. I had some chicken wings and fries. I know a lot of the people that come into this bar and they tried to talk to me but I chose to bask in my aloneness.

Saturday night, I choose not to go the bar fly route. I stay in and read a book. And there is this whiny dog that is staying at my house. I swear this dog just whines all the time because her owner is away. So we have something in common, except I don't keep her from sleeping. I got up at three in the morning and let her out of the house. I haven't heard from her since. Maybe she ran away. I'll have to go outside and check. Hold on. Nope, she's still there. But now she's going to start whining because she thought I was going to let her in.

Well, okay, that's that for now. If you're disappointed that this whole losing my virginity thing is about my first time blogging, let me just give the short story. She was hot. I was drunk. It was quick.

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