Saturday, January 26, 2013

Just Some Opinions...

Biting into your chocolate chip cookie only to find that it is actually a raisin cookie is probably one of the most disappointing things in the world.

Apartment living is awesome. I don't understand house people with their need to mow the lawn and put Christmas lights.

The person who said, "Waste not, want not," probably did not have a 3 year old.

Fish tastes like fish. No matter how you season, cook it, catch it, whatever. It all tastes fishy. And coffee tastes like coffee. Give it bubbles and mocha and fancy cups, but that crap tastes like coffee. I like neither of these things.

I'm glad they're not all California girls.

Licorice is awful. Accidentally eating a licorice jelly bean is on par with the raisin cookie thing above.

If it wasn't for Bobby Brown, most people wouldn't use the word "prerogative."

When watching those Food Paradise shows on the Travel Channel, it's hard to decide if I should be intrigued or disgusted.

For most teenagers, driving is more a distraction for their texting than texting is a distraction to their driving. Get off the road!

Marriage should not be a legal issue. Get rid of the tax/legal benefits related to it.

A 100F degree day is better than below 0F day.

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