Saturday, April 29, 2006

Cat and I have parted ways...

We are done. I have kicked Cat out. Fortunately for him it is not winter anymore. I still love him and all, but we have a difference in opinion on his artistic expression. He felt that we should decorate the apartment with urine and feces. While I am still undecided on the issue domicile decor, I definitely felt that we should go in another direction. His persistent disregard of my feelings in the matter led me to showing him the door. I still feed him and all and he gets visitation rights with Mouse Toy and Ball, but he is now an outside cat. He spends his days laying out in the sun on my upstairs neighbor's deck. I'm not sure Parker was amused with the constant morning meowing and the scratched up screen door. Cat doesn't seem to wander too far off though.

Maybe he just needs some interior decorating lessons - a course in it maybe?
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