Sunday, July 16, 2006

How to Meet People at a Street Party

Last night, the Portneuf Valley Brewing Company had a street party on 1st ave. Now, I don't normally drink hippie beer, but I just can't resist a good street party. I saw a few people that I knew, but I also used the following drunken meeting techniques:

Random Lawn Chair Meeting: There was a band playing at this party, so some people had a few lawn chairs set out. But here's how this worked. 1. Find a random lawn chair. 2. Sit in it. 3. Chair owner says Hey, you're in my chair. 4. I say, Oh, my bad, can I buy you a beer? Now, this meeting technique could back fire in that the person whose chair you sit in might be a large angry man. Fortunately for me it belonged to a smaller happy lady. I introduced her to my friend. She introduced us to hers. A good time was had by all.

Chess Meeting: In the pub they had a chess board set up. And I felt like it was a good drunken idea for me to sit and start playing chess. I made a move and then sat there and waited. Then someone came up and started playing chess with me. They were obviously much drunker than me, for I won easily which is a rarity when it comes to chess. But I won, and I said, well, you owe me a beer. A good time was had by all.

Happy Birthday Meeting: And some random point in the night, I walked out to the deck, put my arms up and said Happy Birthday. Later in the night while I was sitting at the bar, someone said, aren't you the birthday guy? I say yes, you should buy me a beer. A good time was had by all.

Now see how fun that was?

Thats all it takes?
(this is not a delayed response - just a matter of timing;) )
Hope you had a great time and milked it for everything you could ! XXXXXXX
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