Tuesday, July 11, 2006

300 Questions

In honor of my 300th post. I imagine that if you actually read all 300 questions here, your night must be even more uneventful than mine.

SET 1, Questions 1-50

1. What is your Chinese Zodiac?

2. Where is your butter?
in the fridge

3. What is the best Lucky Charms marshmallow?
purple horseshoes. I just remember the commercials building up to revealing the new marshmallow.

4. Devo?

5. What was your gross income for 2000?
probably around 0

6. Dog or Cat?
Well, I kicked the cat out of my house and last night I got bit by a dog on my walk home from work. I'm impressed by neither.

7. Hotel or Motel?
Holiday Innnnnn

8. Why do all people like blue?
Blue his house with a blue window.

9. Pie or cake?

10. How much is your rent?
I pay $5 to rent this cable modem every month.

11. Why won't you give me a new computer?
I want one for myself first.

12. Where do you buy groceries?

13. Sushi?

14. Name of your high school sweetheart?

15. Who was the last person to give you the finger?
Probably one of the people that work for me.

16. Toronto or Montreal?
Toronto. Montreal is too French

17. Morrissey?

18. What are you eating?
Chinese food.

19. Last thing you did with a relative?
Watched Home Alone 2 with my mom

20. Who let the dogs out?
I don't know, but someone is getting sued for the dog that bit me last night. I've got the hydrophobia now. Tie me up to a tree and shoot me.

21. Why did I ask #20?
Apparently it's an epidemic

22. Best science?
Weird Science

23. What is the one thing people say about you the most?
You stink

24. 19 or 20?
19. 20 is way too old.

25. What do you watch on TV?

26. Sweet or Salty?

27. How do you feel about paper clips?

28. Who do you have a picture of on your desk?
Cousins Alexis and Sarah, Santa Claus and my nephew, Bekki Mangum, and Lynnie Mac

29. Children?
They're like miniature people

30. Do you eat breakfast?
Today I had some pizza for breakfast. Mmm Hmm

31. Drink of choice?
Tropical Punch Kool Aid

32. Middle name?

33. Middle child?

34. Inseam?

35. Funniest comic?
Calvin and Hobbes

36. Why are you so strange?
spend too much time on the internet doing stupid questionaires

37. Are you 32?
Not yet!

38. What movie should I rent?

39. Accounting will pay for my eyeglasses, right?
yeah right

40. What do you quote the most?
Anchor Man

41. What was the last book you read?

42. Is it warm there?

43. Friday or Saturday?

44. Are you scared yet?
yes I am

45. Do you bite your fingernails?

46. How old are the shoes you're wearing?
not wearing any

47. Can you speak Swedish?

48. Do you drink coffee with cream?
i don't drink coffee

49. Do you smoke?

50. Where are you going?
I don't know but the getting there is too much fun

SET 2, Questions 51-100

1. Lenin or Stalin?

2. Are you even a little annoyed yet?

3. Should I move this summer?
I will

4. Desert island: Food or company?
depends on the food and the company

5. Hot or cold?

6. What is the fist thing you do every morning?
figure out where I am

7. Did you forget to lock your car?
it locks automatically and often refuse to unlock

8. Check or cash?

9. How old is your wallet?
year and a half or so

10. Mass transit?
i have coupons for the bus

11. Does your bathroom have a color scheme?

12. What is the best tasting m+m color?

13. Which goes first, zip or button?

14. How much water do you drink in a day?
not enough

15. What is Pascal's Wager?
Pascal's wager is that it is better to believe in God, because if you do believe in God & he exists, then you might go to heaven, if you don't believe in God & he doesn't exist, nothing happens, if you do believe in God & he doesn't exist then nothing happens, but if you don't believe in God & he does exist, you are in trouble.

16. French?
only with the ladies

17. Moon or Sun?

18. What time is your lunch break?
lunch? What is this lunch?

19. I work 9am to 6pm. Is that ridiculous?
11am to 10pm, now that is ridiculous

20. Best rat pack member?
the Chairman of the Board, of course

21. Coyote Ugly or Bring it On?
Coyote Ugly

22. Do you know who Julie Christie is?

23. Best vegetable?

24. Kink?
In my neck the other day

25. Goth?
Goth chicks are hot

26. Are you polite?
of course

27. Best year of school?
Junior year

28. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes ma'am

29. Fishing?
for compliments

30. What is business casual, really?
dressing better than anyone that works in my office

31. Corndogs?
no good

32. Tattoos?

33. Shoe size?

34. Bike couriers?
never seen one

35. Do you wish you had a black car?

36. Scabs?

37. Just what is your job?
to take the blame for the crap that goes wrong in the office

38. Dilbert?

39. Tinted Glasses?
had some in high school

40. Chocolate or vanilla?

41. How often do you wash your hair?

42. How many rings before you answer the phone?
three at work, four at home

43. Jogging?

44. Simpsons?

45. Lou Reed?
can't recall any of his songs

46. How many nights a week do you eat pizza?
2 for 2 this week

47. Can you juggle?
not very well, but I learned using footballs

48. Do you cry?
Every time Braveheart yells FREEDOM!!!!!!!

49. Do you know what "hotdish" is?
is it like a hot plate?

50. Am I getting an iMac?

SET 3, Questions 100-150

1. What is your keychain?
my Smith's and Albertson's cards

2. Chocolate milk?
good stuff

3. Uptown or downtown?

4. Girl friend or girlfriend?
no girlfriends here.

5. What was your last dental work?
when i worked for the school and had dental insurance

6. Have you ever broken a bone?

7. How long can you sustain a goldfish?
week or two

8. Steve Martin or Bill Murray?

9. What is in your car, tape player or CD player?

10. Do you like your job?
yes, for once in my life

11. How are you doing today?

12. What article of clothing do you wear and everyone hates?
i think it's more when i'm not wearing any articles of clothing

13. Are you a good liar?
i don't lie

14. What was the last thing you bought at Wal-Mart
Austin Powers DVD

15. Bikini or one piece?

16. Hair: long or short?

17. Last time you got flowers sent to you?
can't recall

18. Are you over 30?

19. Can you roll your tongue?

20. Have you ironed anything lately?
not today

21. Who is your emergency contact?
it's probably still Heather

22. Can I call your emergency contact?
if you want someone to tell you how much of a loser you are and that you are wasting your potential and you need to grow up

23. What color is your couch?

24. Are you a Marxist?

25. Who is your best friend?
Bud Light

26. Worst song you heard on the radio?
there isn't one that stands out

27. Getting tired?
yes, it's past my bed time

28. What do you think of me?
not much

29. What color is your hair?

30. Beatles?
grew up on them

31. Mac or PC?

32. Haim or Feldman?

33. Did you wash your hands?
a lot at work. it's dirty there.

34. Oven mit or potholder?
pot holder

35. What color is your shirt?

36. 10-key?

37. Love?
ever elusive

38. Have you ever been to Minnesota?
lived there, went to school there, worked there

39. Best chess piece?

40. How big is your bed?

41. Why do I hate Johnston and Murphy?
who are they?

42. Soup?
chicken noodle if I have lots of crackers

43. Where do you want to be right now?

44. Best cartoon?
Aqua Teens

45. Have you ever seen "After Hours"?

46. How do you feel about houndstooth?
what? like my grandpa's pants?

47. wpm?
20 on a good day. 50+ in high school

48. Stripes or polka-dots?

49. Did you cut your own hair?
when i was younger

50. Origami?
beyond me

SET 4, Questions 151-200

1. Elvis Costello?

2. Ever seen bread in a can?

3. Do you use styling products in your hair?
gel every so often

4. Do you think someone named Hank Die wears cowboy boots?

5. Last time you called in sick, were you faking it?

6. Your catch phrase?

7. Ever heard of Rob Hawkins?

8. Pink?
is my favorite color

9. Best muppet?

10. Best snack?
Milk duds

11. Science or religion?

12. Salad dressing of choice?

13. Independent or codependent?

14. Football?
My mass. Sportsbar = my church.

15. Science fair?
Did a couple in high school and one in 5th grade.

16. Worst disease?

17. Coke or Pepsi?

18. What are you doing right now?
Answering this question.

19. What do you think my job title is?
CEO of Crap

20. Best ice cream?
Chocolate Marshmallow

21. Does your phone have a cord?
only when it's charging

22. Best swear word?
i love them all

23. Did Nancy order lunch for me, too?
How do you know my sister?

24. When was your last oil change?
about 3 months ago

25. How do you feel about retail workers?
just trying to make a buck

26. Are you a slob?
messy, but not a slob

27. Allergies?

28. How many credit cards do you have?
too many

29. Are you subversive?

30. Do you have neat handwriting?
only when I write really slowly

31. Boats?

32. Malt or milkshake?

33. Should I tape it shut for you?
that would cause some problems

34. Most annoying noise?
Crying kids.

35. Do you have 20/20 vision?
only with my glasses on

36. Mall of America?

37. Best coworker?
the ones that do my job for me

38. When is accounting going to learn?

39. Shower or bath?
Shower, always.

40. Does size matter?
Of course.

41. Scones?
never had them

42. Count Duckula or Danger Mouse?
Danger Mouse

43. What time is it right now?

44. Can you use Excel?
everyday at work

45. Purple?

46. Do you like strawberries?

47. How do you face society with a black eye?
Big sunglasses.

48. What do chicks think of me?
they dig it

49. Ever been to Norway?
Nope, but my ancestors

50. Did you vote for Nader?
Might as well not even vote

SET 5, Questions 200-250

1. Flying?

2. Do you look good in hats?
i look good in everthing

3. Meetings?

4. What does, "We need to talk" mean?
I would like to exchange thoughts through the use of verbal communication

5. Do you use the postage machine at work?
do i give some envelopes and a roll of stamps to my subordinates? Yes I do

6. Are you ergonomically correct?
I don't even know what that means

7. Grape flavor?
not my favorite popsicle

8. Beavis or Butthead?

9. Can you dance?

10. Do you have more male friends than female friends?

11. Do you read your horoscope?

12. Do you find yourself getting dumped for the same reason every time?
Do I decide I want to break up with someone then do everything I can to annoy them and make them break up with me? Yup

13. Poetry?
every so often

14. Video games?
Madden. Other than that, games these days are too complicated

15. When are you going to grow up?
I refuse to

16. Uphill from here or downhill from here?

17. What are you doing for your birthday?
no plans

18. Should I go to California?

19. Contact cement or liquid nails?
Contact cement.

20. Last time you were really upset?
today at work

21. Can I mail you something?

22. Where the hell is Brian?
I'm right here.

23. Best feature?
I'm the total package

24. Soy milk?
never tried it

25. Earthquakes?
went through one when I was 7

26. Do you have a theme?
no, but I need a theme song

27. Double joints?

28. Best place to take a date?
date? what is this date you speak of?

29. What's worse: Papercut or hangnail?

30. Pente?

31. DC or Marvel?

32. Why does my phone smell like play-dough?
no clue

33. Flour and water or paper mache mix?
Paper mache mix.

34. Favorite music?

35. Best Kubrick film?
Dr Strangelove

36. Kevin Smith?
Silent Bob

37. Best thing about being male?
standing up to use the bathroom

38. Worst thing about being male?

39. Mozart?

40. Have you ever placed a personal ad, not as a joke?

41. Have you ever answered a personal ad, not as a joke?

42. Why are all the guys in the suite next door below avg. height?
from the Shire?

43. Have you ever gone to work on a Saturday, thinking it was Friday?

44. Cheese?

45. Pager, Cellphones?

46. You're 2 hours behind CST, right?

47. Can you sing?
in the shower

48. Where is the Schwan's Meeting?!
no idea

49. Dayquil or Nyquil?
dayquil caplets

50. Vegan?

SET 6, Questions 251-300

1. Catholic?

2. Do you have sensitive teeth?
not today

3. Last dream you remember?
dreaming of endless Ipsos appointments at work

4. What toppings do you like on your pizza?

5. How much gasoline do you use per week?
enough to drive down to the bar and back a couple of times

6. Will you pick me up at the airport?

7. When do you do your laundry?
when i'm all out of clean underwear

8. Fast food?

9. Eggs?

10. What is the most thoughtful gift you've gotten lately?

11. Can you grow facial hair?
enough to annoy me

12. Is this going to be on your webpage?

13. I like the band "Archers of Loaf". Is there something wrong with me?
there is something wrong with us all

14. What are you doing tonight?
wasting time

15. Musicals?
Guys and Dolls

16. Are you left handed?

17. Straight Edge?
mostle crooked

18. Tangerines?

19. Is it wrong to be excited about 40 degree weather?
not after a long cold winter

20. Horror movies?
Scary Movie

21. Which sibling?
brother and sister

22. Frisbee?
have one in my car

23. Guilty pleasure?

24. Magazine?
Sports Illustrated

25. Last crisis?

26. Last thing you laughed at?
a coworker

27. Do you want to live alone?
i do

28. When is your next vacation?
vacation? what is this vacation you speak of?

29. Could I survive San Francisco?
can anybody really?

30. Best beat poet?
don't know one

31. What is really over rated about you?
psshhaw I'm not overrated

32. Have you ever had a fake ID?

33. Tylenol or Advil?

34. Should I get a cat?
you can have mine, but you have to wrestle the neighbor girls for him

35. What should I name a cat?

36. Where is Turlock, CA in relation to you?
somewhere west of here

37. Last time you saw snow?
Couple of weeks ago

38. Do you think I sound like someone in "Fargo"?
my aunt does

39. Why am I always the last to know about stuff?
because people don't like you

40. How tall are you?

41. Where will you be in 10 years?
in my flying car, heading to the beach

42. How do you feel about getting lost?
men don't get lost

43. Peanut Butter or Jelly?

44. Have I asked you anything twice?

45. Packaging?

46. Do you have a lisp?

47. Theme parks?
Cedar Point

48. Are you easily annoyed?
by idiots, yes

49. Die Hard?
With a Vengeance

50. Are you sad that this is the last "50 Questions" Installment?
nope, now it's bed time

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