Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Life of Brian...Lately

First off: I want to say congratulations to Holly, my favorite drunken dial, for her recent engagement. It's the 27 levels of compatability that make it so special!

Well, my life lately has been fairly uneventful. But thanks to the power of the world wide web, you get to share in the uneventfulness.

I got a new cell phone:
By the way, Gregg, you should cancel whatever it was you wanted me to call you for and cancel. And you should get me a car charger.

Celebrations: (It's a celebration, bitches!)

My sister is graduating from college. It only took her 4 years. Wow.
My cousin is graduating from high school. It only took her 4 years. She's a smart one.
My dad's birthday is coming up.
Mother's day was on Sunday.
Lots of good stuff going on.

Funny stuff at work: So I work at a phone center where we call people and do surveys. And I don't know why, but recently it's just been hilarious to me when I have to talk to an angry respondent. Some of these people just start cussing at me and threatening me. And I just can't think of why does being called on the phone get you so upset? Why does my company calling your house make you want to eat my children? I'm sure life is rough, but just chill, dude. And then there's the people that tell me about how I owe them ten thousand dollars or something. Whatever. Do whatever you want. Call your lawyer. Call the attorney general. I'm not overly concerned. I would love to tell these people how ridiculous I think they are.

Concert: I'm going to the Black Eyed Peas this Saturday. Sans Chris. Thanks, homey. So I'm going with some people from work. I also have a couple of tickets to Dave Matthews at the Gorge. If I had known better, I would have bought as many of those as I could and then sold them on Ebay for 3 to 4 times what they're worth. But certain people have recently declared how much they love me recently because of these tickets.

The Baaaah: I've been somewhat sober recently. I haven't been to the bar in about, oh... 2 hours. Yeah, that is an accomplishment, because I left the bar before midnight. Aren't you proud of me? Tonight I was talking with this older gentleman, who was trying to share his "been there, done that" perspective with me. He seems to think that I have a certain chemistry with someone I hang out with at the bar. He thought she was my girlfriend and when I explained how we were just friends, he went into this long rant about taking chances and how sometimes friendships need to move to that next level. I'm young and I need to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents me. To that I drank a beer, but I think he's crazy or maybe just a little too drunk tonight. Another time, another place, I told him. But I'll be out tomorrow for sociale. Who knows what will happen? I said I could make a really good drunken ass out of myself. So it shall be.

I like lasagna:
In lieu of having any time to cook some real food, I have been purchasing my fair share of microwaveable consumables. My latest obsession, Stouffer's Lasagna with Meat Sauce. Now that is a quality frozen food product. Mmmm.

Blind Date: A buddy of mine from work is trying to set me up on a blind date. Strange, but okay. I said I was game. We'll see how that works out. Bruce Willis would argue against it.

MySpace: This thing is addicting. I waste time on this website doing what essentially amounts to nothing.

Shout Out: To Brooke, my new Myspace buddy.

I can't believe you think stouffers is good lasagna. You need to come to my house and I'll make you some homemade lasagna. You'll never go back to the frozen stuff with all the extra sodium.
Yay!!!! I got a shout out. 27 levels, baby....
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