Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day. I guess I didn't get that memo. I forgot. I didn't wear green today. Someone pinched me though. That left a mark. But I'm wearing green now. So for the next 45 minutes or so, I should be safe from anyone trying to pinch me. Ha, ha, stay away pinchers!

Nothing too exciting happened today. Watched some basketball at lunch. Had to go to work before the Iowa game was over. Looks like I missed a great ending. I really get into these games. And I almost always root for the underdog. Unless they're playing against a team I might actually root for (most Ohio teams except for Cincinnati). Underdogs are more fun to root for, especially when they play Duke. Kansas lost today. I'm thinking I picked them as one of my final four or elite eight teams. I can't remember. But I know that hurt. Suck.

I didn't drink any green beer today. I can't recall if I've ever had any green beer, ever. It's possible. When you drink as much as me. In lieu of going out for some St. Patty's hijinx, I decided that I needed to just rent a movie and go to bed early. The guy at the video store knew me by name. Is that a bad sign? Do I watch too many movies or does he have a good memory? But alas, that is the plan for the night.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

O'Nalley, that was totally uncalled for. Did you go out for St. Patty's day at all, Chris, or did you have to stay at AC late and make Shamrock Shakes all night?
I'm going to Ireland this summer... I like st. patricks day.
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