Monday, March 06, 2006

The Weekend that was Brian

For those of you who try to keep tabs on me and were wondering, "hmmm, what did Brian do this weekend?" Here's your update.

Friday was a slow day. I had to work and the boss left early, leaving me and the other lead supervisor, Tasha, in charge. We make a pretty good team, me and Tash, but every so often we miss some important finer details. Friday night went by with only one minor mishap that we caught immediately and fixed. On Saturday and Sunday though we managed to waste 50-60 hours of company time. Something about not putting the right cover sheet on a TPS report or something, but I got a memo about it today.

Friday night was kind of a blur. I vaguely remember stopping into the Cotton Club for a song, but didn't stay long. I think the rest of the night involved popcorn and Jessica Alba in a swimsuit.

Saturday seemed like a long day. I had to talk myself out of going to Jackpot to meet some people. The resulting restlessness however led me to the Cotton Club for Happy Hour. About 8 hours and a hefty bar tab later, I made it home. In between I believe there was some singing, more drinking, a trip to the Sandpiper, some random drunk dials, a short blond girl, and meeting a rich guy, who Kimmy said was not gay, that said he would buy me a plane ticket to fly out to Virginia to hang out. Most of that is a blur and the finer details have escaped me. However I do vaguely recall Lenward, the bouncer, telling me that he was going to be a wedding singer and me laughing hysterically at the thought. singer....hehehehe...Lenward....

Sunday was back to work and that whole fiasco. After work was the Sandpiper, the Five Mile, and Hooligan's in that order. I know what you're thinking...The Five Mile? (or...The Five Mile has a website?) But it wasn't my idea. Buddha was the mastermind behind that plot. It seemed like a good idea at the time anyway. After that I just went home and crashed.

So voila! That was the weekend that was Brian.

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