Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Freezy Fo Sheezy

It's kind of cold here. Single digits or below. Not good. Not liking it right now. And all I have tonight is Cat to keep me warm.

Not much going on. Just wanted to post to let you know I'm still alive.

Bengals won their 10th on Sunday. Oh yeah!

I went to see Narnia on Saturday night. Good show. Much better than the PBS version we watched in 5th grade. I stole 6 of the 7 books from my 5th grade teacher. Mrs. White, my bad. I'll give them back. I was such a bad student in 5th grade. Mrs. Buell made me sit out in the hall during math and at the back table for social studies.

K. Bed time. G'night

I had to watch that in the 4th grade. All I remember is that one of the girls had the worst overbite I have ever seen. It was distracting.

And I *stole* a book from Mrs. Clark, my sixth grade teacher.
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