Friday, November 25, 2005

Fo Sho

I just used Gizoogle to translate my last post for my homies who keep it real on the streets:

Friday, Playa 25, 2005
Happy Blunt-rollin' Day!
I guess most thugz is out shopp'n today, or if you work in retail, you're out sippin' today . Nigga get shut up or get wet up. I, myself, am neitha shopp'n nor pimpin'. Today is laundry day once again. I put mah hand washables in tha bitch on tha delicate cycle. Hopefully T-H-to-tha-izzat wizzay work out fo` me. Sometizzles it does, sometizzles it doesn't. I neva said I was a professizzles launderererera (or hustla cuz its a doggy dog world. I need ta stizzay wit easia ta wizzay clothes if you gots a paper stack. Cotton t-shirts n jeans fo' sheezy. That sounds good.

I did go ta tha mizzay today. I wizzle ta git a haircut so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. I always go ta tha JC Penney salon like a motha fucka. No particizzles reason. Wizzy I was grow'n up, I always went ta a pimp shop . Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. There was this one brotha shop over by where I used ta live that had $4 haircuts like a motha fucka. They were $4 quality, but eh, I pimp minded . Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. I would eitha go there or on tha base where mah baby daddy gots his hair cut bitch ass nigga. It came ta mind today while I was sitt'n in tha salon though, tizzy you dizzon't see mizzle barba shops anymore. I couldn't tiznell you where one is in this tizzle in tha dogg pound. Oh wait, I lied, I just remembered there's one at ISU from tha streets of tha L-B-C. But I don't go there . One, two three and to tha four. I diznon't knizzow anybody who does go ta a wanna be gangsta shop. I sure do miss those rizzay white, n blue striped poles though.

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