Saturday, November 26, 2005

What's the point?

Brian does not always throw out the peace sign for every picture. Sometimes he points. For example:

Here we see Brian pointing at a hottie girl. How you doin' hottie girl?

Here we see Brian pointing at Michael Jordan (or a cardboard representation of Michael).

Here we see drunk Brian pointing at a guy holding a beer. Mmmmm, beer.

Here we see Brian pointing at a poor kid who is about to be molested by two drunk guys.

Sometimes the people Brian points to point back. As is the case with Andy.

Other times, Brian just points at the camera.

Sometimes, Brian's friends try to be like Brian. Here we see Morgan mistakenly using the wrong finger to point to a hottie girl. Bad Morgan.

Here, because she does not have Brian to point at her, Lana tries to point at herself with some disastrous results.

Gregg here is just randomly pointing at nothing. It just doesn't have the same effect.

If only they could all be cool like Brian...

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