Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Broken Plates of the Evil Empire

para espanol press 2

I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound.

The other day I bought a set of $7 plates from Wal-Mart. There was a note in the box written in Chinese. I can only assume it was put in there by some 12 year old kid in a sweat shop in China and he was describing the horrendous working conditions and this was his one desperate cry for help. I crumpled the note up and threw it in the garbage.

One of the cups in my $7 box of plates from Wal-Mart was broken. If I had known that the $7 box of plates would be of shoddy quality, I would have went with the $9 box of plates. I returned them last night because I was going to Wal-Mart any way to buy a plunger to clear up some issues that my man duke created with my toilet. I ended up buying a more expensive box of Correlle plates that came with some kind of three year warranty.

The other night at work we were discussing the evilness of Wal-Mart. I believe there are two evil empires in this country: Wal-Mart and the Yankees. The Yankees were foiled yet again this year, but Wal-Mart continues to thrive. And yes, I do support the evil empire. But it's the only place I can go to shop at 4 am. And 4 am is the only time I can go shopping. I am always at work during the day and anyway the people of Pocatello flock to pay tithings to the evil empire during the day time. It's mad crazy and you can't find a parking spot. And that's that.

You need to get out more - you tightarse! it's $7!!!! LOL!!
$7.00 don't even buy i half a tank of gas anymore!
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