Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I heart Yahoo

I get all my news through Yahoo. Mostly I read through all the sports stuff while I eat my Apple Jacks in the morning, but it's a slow sports week.

One of the featured entertainment stories today is about paparazzi taking pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt being fat in a bikini. The pictures are of her being not fat in a bikini. And it reminded me that I have a huge crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt. And I'm glad I'm not a celebrity because then I would be hounded about my fatness. Not unlike my friend Marigold.

I actually spent more time looking at the pictures of the 500 year old map of the Americas that is going on display at the Library of Congress. What can I say? I'm a history guy. This article was interesting to me.

And then there was this article about the size and price of flat screen tv's. I'm telling you, Gregg, one more year and I'm going to buy a 50 inch flat screen for $200. They'll be measuring tv's by feet instead of inches and be toting their Super Duper Digital 1080-Magnum PI Higher Than High Definition TV's.

And apparently, there is going to be a Terminator 4.

I also discovered I could get a picture of the pope on my cellphone to watch over me. I'm Catholic, but there are some that really crack me up with their shenanigans.

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