Saturday, April 15, 2006

Since I'm reminiscing...

So. Your senior year in High School is supposed to be "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember:

Year: 1997

1)Who were your best friends?
Kevin, Sarah, Skuter, Rebecca

2) Did you attend sporting events?
I took part in most sporting events that year.

3) What kind of car did you drive?
I drove my mom's 92 Mercury Sable around town a few times.

4) It's Friday night, where were you at?
Youth Group, afterwards - getting in trouble.

5) Were you a party animal?

6) Were you in the "In Crowd"?
My school wasn't big enough to have a "crowd"

7) Ever skip school?
once or twice

8) Ever come to school high?

9) Were you a nerd?
I didn't study as much as I should have.

10) Did you get suspended/expelled?

11) Can you sing the Alma Mater?
eh? I can't recall even having one.

12) Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs K Took 3 classes of hers, Humanities, Art, and Drama

13) Favorite class?
Mrs K's classes. Mostly drama class.

14) What was the name of your school?
Incirlik High School

15) School mascot?
Hodja. An old guy who rode backwards on the ass of an ass.

16) Did you go to Prom?
I was the king.

17) If you could go back and do it over, would you?

18) Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
Going to Spain for Cross Country

19) Who was your crush?
Sarah McCain.

20) Did you like math?
No. Took a college correspondence course, but never finished it.

21) Did you like English?
Ms Spoots sure did love me.

22) What were pep rally's like?
I vaguely recall the drill team breaking it down for us.

23) Where was your prom located?
Seyhan hotel downtown

24) Who was your prom date?
Corinne Carpenter

25) What day did you graduate?
June 6th or 7th. Whatever Friday was.

26) Where did you have graduation at?
In the courtyard at school.

27) What did you do after graduation?
I seem to remember going down town to some club that was outside.

28) Where did you go on your senior trip?
Alanya. I think there was some school skipping involved here.

29) Any other memories about your senior year?
Went to Germany and Bahrain for basketball. Went to Lajes for speech and drama. Good times.

30) do you still talk to anyone from high school?
Out of the folks I graduated with? Rebecca. That's about it.

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