Friday, November 18, 2005

Remember, me?

Hi, I'm Brian. You might remember me as the guy who used to blog here. Alas, my life has been busy and quite internet free as of late. On the one hand, it's a good thing, because I thought that perhaps I may be a bit addicted to the internet. On the other hand, the nights of endless surfing kept me out of trouble. But that's all for another blog sometime in the distant future. But while I'm here let's recap some of my favorite topics and various goings-on.

Cincinnati Bengals - My favorite football team is still having a great season. "Break out" if you will. We are 7-2 and face the Colts this weekend. The latest line as Indy favored by 6, but I think the Colts are due for their first loss of the season.

Depeche Mode - I went to see Depeche Mode last weekend with the gang. Passed out for a little while, but got my second wind. Favorite part of the trip: Beer in aluminum bottles. Try smashing one of those on your forehead.

Work - Work is work. I've been cutting my hours down though. This last week I haven't worked more than 60 hours. But as I said before that has lead to some trouble. Perhaps I should stick with the overbearing work schedule and the usual routine of eat, sleep, work. I'm applied for a programming position though. I figure with zero experience, I have a pretty good shot at it. I mean come on, half of the people we hire are illiterate rejects who couldn't cut it at Arctic Circle.

Country Swing Dancing - So for some reason the other night I went out dancing. It seemed like a good idea at the time. And much alcohol was consumed. But it was a good time and I didn't break anybody's leg like that one time at the Cotton Club. (I told that lady dancing wasn't my thing.)

Cat - I got myself a cat. Now, the ladies have been telling me, that I am officially gay. Apparently, it's just wrong for a guy to have a cat. I went to the pet store to buy a hamster that I could put in a little ball that would run around my house and I could laugh at. But I brought Brandy with me and in her conniving ways, she convinced me that buying a cat would be a great idea. Now I'm covered in cat scratches and am forced to clean out a litter box every other day. Curse you Brandy. But me and my cat, we hang out. Yesterday we chilled in my gay pink kiddie chair and listened to some O.A.R. We talked about life, he kicked Odie off the table, and then he ate all my lasagna.

Holly - Yes, a special section for my favorite drunk dial. Holly has met Mr. Wonderful and they are compatible on like 27 different levels. I'm jealous. She is one of the ladies that has told me that I am gay for having a cat. Thanks for the boost of confidence.

New Apartment - My new apartment is still fairly empty. I didn't buy a couch or a tv. There is nothing in the living room except a pink chair and a stereo. I did go out and by a computer and desk though. So that's all set up (except for having internet). I'm thinking the next need is a washer and dryer. Right.

C'est my life

A. I've been to the Pocatello Artic Circle. And I agree.

B. Ah, Depeche Mode. Their tour needed to be greatly expanded.

C. Straight men can own cats. It's when you start dressing it up, or giving it a gay name like Mrs. Paddy-Paws, or talking to it in baby-talk that your sexuality might be in question. Especially if you are sitting on your pink chair at that moment.
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