Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Something Like That

It was labor day weekend, I was seventeen. I bought a coke and some gasoline and I drove up to the county fair.

The best part of this time of year is the state fair. And the only reason I want to go to the state fair is to pay my five bucks to get in and then overpay for bags of spun sugar and deep fried cheese products. Ah yes, that is what I like to call heaven. Nothing beats fair food.

And don't you love carnies? Small hands, smell like cabbage.

Okay then, who's ready to go?

Ahh, the'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. I remember the last time I was at the fair I ate some fair food and woke up the next day with what I thought was vicious food poisoning. Turns out it was just appendicitis. Ugh.
Can I call you Mr. McGraw? Make sure to wear your white t-shirt, k??
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