Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm still alive

I haven't posted in a while, but I just wanted to announce that I have not died of some mutant chicken pox virus. I am alive and kicking. I have just been working too much lately. But that's okay. I have this next week off. It'll be good for me.

My sister is coming to visit me. Should be fun. I'm going down to Salt Lake tomorrow to pick her up. I haven't seen her in a couple of years. Yeah, I can't even remember. It will be good to hang out and have that quality brother/sister bonding time. She just turned 21 this year and I figure it's time she be corrupted.

My arm has been killing me lately. It's an old football injury (one time I threw a football and noticed my arm hurt). I'll just add that to the list of things to complain to the doctor about. I went to the doctor last year and he couldn't figure out why a healthy young man such as myself would want to come to the doctor. I said I'm sorry you live in a world where people can't afford healthcare, but I grew up as a military brat and went to the hospital everytime I got a headache. It freaked me out that my doctor didn't work in a hospital. He works in a little building next to the hospital. And then...I had to pay him. When you're in the military you just show up, he does his thing, and then you leave. Maybe he gives you a prescription so you walk down to the pharmacy, pick up some pills and leave. Now I have to show my insurance card and fill out paperwork and give them billing information. Then I get to see the doctor. Well, first I see a nurse who makes small talk and takes my temperature and blood pressure and stuff. Then I wait. Perhaps read an old magazine. Then the doctor comes in, looks in my ear, and tells me it looks like allergies/sinus infection/virus. Take a drug and have a nice day.

I don't even like to take drugs. I had a girlfriend who didn't understand that about me. She would take a pill just because she woke up that day. First off, drugs are expensive. And then they don't even work. If they do work you get some kind of side effect like anal leakage. What's the point, really?

Has anyone seen that infomercial with the guy who for $39.95 will sell you a book that tells the natural remedy for cancer and a load of other diseases? For free, my mom will tell you to put some vinegar on it and she says that will cure anything. If I took my mom's advice on home remedies, I would smell like vinegar, drink a lot of 7-up, and have a warm washcloth on the back of my neck. Mommy always makes it better.

Moms know best, don't they? My dad's more the strong, silent type. Well, silent type anyway. Well, except when he's yelling at my mom for pouring vinegar on his bad knee.

Yeah. I miss free healthcare. We pay something like $450 every three months and don't even get doctor's visits covered--it's pretty much just major accident/surgery insurance.

I'm one of the drug takers. Steve hates taking pills. But my dad is a PA (what's a PA?) and so evertime I sneezed he would give me some kind of pill. In the civilian world, drug reps were always showering free samples on him, so he always passed them on to me. I miss living near him so that I could call and whine about my symptoms and have him show up with a brown lunch bag full of samples medicines.
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