Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I stole this from Sarah...

List of things to do before I die...

1. Learn how to play any song on a guitar. Preferably a good one.

2. Plant a tree. Any kind. Wait, I take that back. The growing kind.

3. Ride a lawn mower. A sitting one. Drink cheap beer if available.

4. Make a Thanksgiving meal. Deli turkey and Potato Buds may be substituted for turkey's torso and actual potatoes.

5. Learn to surf. Optimally in Australia. Make sure instructor is attractive and has legit accent.

6. Sit at a bonfire all night with friends and watch the sun come up. Again, cheap beer drinking is an option. I did this once but I didn't know the majority of the people there so it wasn't as cool.

7. Take a road trip to nowhere. Just go somewhere. Don't have reservations or plans.

8. Live in a big city. Remember that big is a relative word...

9. Surprise people often. In pleasant ways.

10. Buy new belt.

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