Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I love the moon

There's a half moon out tonight. And by that I mean quarter moon.

I noticed the moon last night too. That crazy moon. Yesterday it was huge. And orange. Fun. I haven't quite figured out the science behind why sometime the moon looks bigger and why sometimes it looks oranger. Yeah. Oranger.

One time when I was little I saw a huge moon rising up next to the theater that played Dazed and Confused every Friday night at 11:45pm. It was like the ET moon.

Last night it was also crazy foggy. I like the fog. I liked walking around in the fog. It reminded me of the Empire Strikes Back. And the Never Ending Story. For I battled the dark side of the force and the nothing when I was younger.

No rain today.

Great Halloween weather.

I've heard two reasons for the moon looking larger, and neither is entirely satisfactory, nor are they wholly accepted as accurate. One is that somehow the greater comparative thickness of the atmosphere we view the moon through when it is on the horizon somehow magnifies the image, hence its large, looming quality. The other is that it is essentially a trick of the eye in that when the moon is at its apex in the sky, we don't have anything to measure its relative size against, and it looks tiny in the vast, empty sky. In contrast, when it is on the horizon we gauge it against buildings, mountains, etc., so it looks much bigger to us.
I think it just grows sometimes. And then it shrinks back down.
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