Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Watch your Face!

When I lived in Turkey, after it rained, you would have to watch your step or you might step on a snail or two. Those who didn't mind the snail innards on the bottom of their shoes would just walk around carelessly crunching with each step they took. Snails made such a nice crunching sound too.

Here in Oregon, you have to watch out for frogs. However, they don't crunch as loudly as snails. Well, I haven't really stepped on any frogs yet, but I imagine that they don't crunch as loudly as a snail. Chances are they are not as gooey and slimy when you step on them either.

When I was little, my brother and his friends would catch frogs and stick firecrackers in their mouths. Quite fascinating at the time, but looking back it was just down right cruel. I still feel bad about this one frog that my friend and I stoned to death at the creek. Visions of his lifeless body floating down the creek still haunt me.

I'm not even going to get into the cockfighting I bore witness to as a child. Fortunately we weren't NFL quarterbacks. We might have been arrested for our poor treatment of animals and banned for life from the NFL.

I liked crunching snails in Turkey. I ran over a frog once with my bike.
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