Friday, August 17, 2007


I've decided that I'm going to take up panhandling. I have weekends off and the Oregon Coast is just teeming with tourists that have loose change in their pockets. I think it could become a profitable part time venture. Plus, I'd get to hang out on the coast on the weekends. Beautiful.

I just need a schtick. One time when I went to Newport there was a guy there sitting on a rock, singing and playing a guitar. In the 5 minutes or so that I watched him he had at least 3 or 4 people drop some change and paper into his guitar case. I could do this. Anyone have a guitar they can loan me? It would be like those slow nights at the Cotton Club when I would pop in a disc and sing every song on it, except that I would have to learn how to play the guitar and I would probably make more tips than I ever did at karaoke.

Yeah and then there was the big bubble guy. He made big bubbles while balancing on a rail. He brought in the kids who had parents with loose change. Kids love bubbles.

Ok, well, you know where I'll be this weekend.

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