Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dear friend,

Hi. It's me. I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch. I say that I've been too busy to write or call, but the truth is, there's always time. Maybe I'm just sad... or resentful about how it all played out. We both kind of just went our separate ways. And we drifted apart. We stopped putting in the same effort that we used to. Days became weeks. Weeks became months... then years.

Despite all appearances though, I haven't forgotten you. I still think about you on most days. I still miss you. You changed my life more than you will ever know. I still look up at the stars remembering when we used to stare at them together, our whole lives in front of us. Afraid of what the future would bring, but confident that we would always have each other to lean on.

Tonight when I look up at the night sky, a rush of warm feelings engulfs me as I know you may be out there looking at the same stars. I am your friend forever. You can count on that. I love you.

You know who you are.

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