Friday, January 05, 2007


Well, looking back at my resolutions from last year, I did a pretty half assed job of keeping them. As far as exercising more, I did manage to play basketball 3 times. I can't say I'm at all organized, but my desk looks better than it did when I made that resolution. I did read one book and I have been reading my Sports Illustrateds. I do eat breakfast everyday, that's the only one I have successfully accomplished. And I did not visit with any pre-Idaho friends.

Perhaps this year I'll do a bit better with the follow through on the resolutions. Here we go:

1. Take a Vacation - I took a couple of quick road trips this last year, but what I really need is a vacation. Like a good week or two of laying around soaking up sun, enjoying the great outdoors, or paryting like crazy. At least, I need a break from work where I'm setting records for hours worked. And maybe I can fulfill that forgotten resolution of yore to visit a pre-Idaho friend.

2. Eat Healthy - That whole exercising thing didn't work out, but it's still a goal. In the mean time, I resolve to eat better. I haven't drank pop in a long time. That's kind of a start that I'm trying to build on. I need to eat less fast food and get into the habit of eating fruits, vegetables, and all manner of baked-not-fried delights. We'll see how that goes.

3. Read More Books - I actually read one book last year, which was one more than the year before, but obviously still pathetic. I will try to continue with this resolution. I just started reading a new book a couple of days ago.

4. Work Harder - I already work a lot in terms of the time I spend in the office, but I could definitely give more effort. I'm in a position where others look up to me. I need to do more to set an example for my staff. I'm going to be in charge of our new office in Oregon, so I have to stay focused and keep others on task.

5. Create More Good Time Memories - I kind of laid low last year in comparison to years before. I haven't been going out as much as I used to, which isn't a bad thing, but I'm becoming a hermit in a cave. I need a better balance of social interaction and solitude.

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