Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's a blog

I've been looking back on what has been a pitiful excuse for a blog. I haven't had anything meaningful to say since....well, I've never had anything meaningful to say, but at least my blogs were more than YouTube videos, pictures, and quotes. I'm sorry. So now, let me share my thoughts in words:

Have you ever seen a two year old tipping back a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade, going through a pack of cigarettes, and playing with knives? I have. And it didn't come as a surprise.

I voted on Tuesday. It gave me a warm feeling inside, a chance for me to voice my opinion. More importantly, I got a sticker!!!! Who doesn't like stickers, eh? In fact I became all sticker happy at work and passed out little star stickers to all the cool people. Yeah, so if you didn't get one, you're not cool. You know who you are.

Football has been a disappointment lately. The Bengals are starting to play like they're from Pittsburgh or something. College football has become a lot more interesting though with the emergence of Michigan as the number 2 team in the country. If The Ohio State University and Michigan survive this weekend without an upset, then two Saturdays from now will be the biggest college football game ever. I may be a bit biased, but you can't tell me that this isn't the biggest rivalry in college football. And with Louisville going down tonight this might only be the first installment of the rivalry this season.

On the work front, I learned today that I have worked the most hours this year of anyone in the about 500 hours. It's tough to be a janitor in a really dirty office. But it looks like we are making some progress on the move to Oregon. So now it could be as soon as January that I will be heading out there.

On the cereal front I had Apple Jacks for breakfast this morning. I went with some Crunch Berries the day before. And Trix the day before that.

There is a mouse in my house. I've seen it a couple of times. Two nights ago it was running around in my living room. Tonight it was in my closet. Oh yes. I will get that mouse. I hear him in the walls. Last time I heard mice in the walls I found one in my bed. Remind me to get some traps at the store.

Weeds is one of my new favorite shows. I rented season one from Netflix. Good stuff there. Now I'm going through Firefly. So far so good. As far as current tv, I'm pretty much limited to what the networks show online. I like Heroes, Friday Night Lights, and Studio 60 on NBC; Jerricho and How I Met Your Mother from CBS; and Ugly Betty on ABC. Nothing is good on Fox and the CW doesn't put any shows on its web site. Lame. See, the whole cable tv or internet debate as worked itself out. I don't need to get cable tv. I miss Sportscenter, but that's what the bar is for.

Speaking of the bar, I need a drink....

My "I voted" sticker has been moved from my hoodie to my wall, so that when people come in the front door they can see I'm a responsible citizen.
Sorry about the Bengals. Luckily the steelers games aren't broadcasted here, so we don't have to see their pathetic losses week after week. Rory keeps saying they'll have number 1 draft pick. I think he's just trying to make himself feel better.
You eat sweet cereal. Maybe you should put some down for your mouse.
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