Monday, September 11, 2006

The Drunken Weekend that was Brian

I haven't been going out much anymore but this past weekend I had a relapse of old times.

Thursday was a long day at work so I went out with Tim to the Cotton Club until it closed. I believe I left Bef with a broken bottle surprise in my lame attempt to get a beer bottle into the garbage can. Afterwards we hit the Five Corners where I proved just how bad at pool I really am. But Rosy was nice at let me play Crazy Game of Poker on the Jukebox - the 20 minute version. I then proceeded to brag about how I am a dart champion and if we were ever to meet in competition Rosy would be annihilated by my dartsome prowess. Eventually I stumbled on home. Don't know what happened to Tim.

was another long day at work (all week I had been going in earlier than my usual start time). But it was a celebration, bitches. We just hired Heather as a supervisor at work, so I bought her a few drinks at Sandbagger's. Afterwards, I was supposed to go back to the Five Corners to show Rosy what's up with darts. I went home to get my darts, but then I saw something shiny and got distracted, so I ended up passing out. Next time, Rosy. Next time.

Saturday, as I mentioned before, was putt putt night and the most eventful night. I started with a drink at the Cotton Club, where I did not break any glass this time. Kimmie shared some pizza with me though. Mmmmm. I love Kimmie. I went from there to the putt putt place. I have a new love. Her name is Kathy and she serves beer at the Outback and I'm pretty sure she loves me too. And I made out with Lacy. She mentioned that she had only ever kissed one boy in her life. The way my drunken mind works, that means she's asking to be kissed. Whether she was talking to me or James at the time, I don't know, but I took the initiative and James now only has a memory for the spank bank. Now Lacy has kissed two guys in her life. In putt putt, I did my best Tiger Woods impression with not one, but two hole in ones. Yes, that's right. I think I got a five on every other hole though. And I used my putter to beat down an alligator that was floating in the pond. It looked vicious. I think it's dead now, but it's still floating there. I don't think Kathy would have appreciated that, if she had seen me. Oh and just as a side note, if you go to the putt putt place with a bunch of drunkards, try not to use the port-o-potty. James went in and we tried to knock it over. He decided it would be better to wait to use the bathroom. So we went to the Five Corners. Alas no Rosy to challenge me in darts, but they had some karaoke. I sang some YMCA, Neil Diamond, and Baby Got Back. I vaguely remember much else from this part of the night, but I did take pictures, so eventually it may come back to me.

Sunday I did not drink, but I did watch the monster that is Drunken Gregg/Lauren Bacall come out of its shell during the lame-o Seattle-Detroit game that did not involve any TDs. He said he was going to call me for some poker, but I'm guessing he passed out.

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