Sunday, December 18, 2005

The enigma that is Brian

So I was sitting in the coffee shop today. I think I've mentioned this before, but I don't like coffee. I sure do like to go to the coffee shop though. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? So it got me to thinking about some of the stranger characteristics of that which is Brian...

I am an Air Force brat that has traveled and lived all over the world, but I don't like change. I prefer to stay in one place. And most people think I'm weird, but I like Pocatello. And I don't even like flying.

I like to drive, but I prefer to walk to work.

I majored in history in college, but I often tell people to forget about the past.

I check books out at the library, but I rarely read any of them.

I don't like seafood, but I like to eat at restaurants that feature it.

I taught at an elementary school, but I don't really like children.

I consider myself a loner, but I can't live without my friends.

I like to wear winter coats, but I don't like winter.

I daydream about playing basketball, but I don't ever play.

I like to write in this blog, but I don't ever feel like I have anything interesting to share. But apparently I do, because you are reading it right now. Or you're just as bored as I am. Good night.

I dislike TV, but I'm watching the WB right now.

And Pocatello does have its selling points. Like Buddy's.

I like their salads, but I don't like bad breath.
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