Thursday, May 15, 2008

What was I thinking?

Yeah, I got another dog. I'm committed to this one though. He's non refundable.

If I ever see Jared Allen around town again, I want to buy him a drink.

I like to spend my weekends sitting on the back deck... with my dog... drinking beer... wearing a wife beater... yelling at passersby... I am the pinnacle of class.

It's supposed to be 90 degrees out today. Does that mean it's summer now? More beer drinking shall ensue.

I weighed myself at the mall the other day... with one of those machines that also tells you your horoscope and lucky numbers. My weight is definitely not a lucky number.

They have those massage chairs at the mall. You know, the ones where you have to put a dollar in and you get something like 5 minutes? If you want a massage that bad, why don't you just walk down to the department store selling the shiatsu thing that you can try out for free and as long as you want?

The goal for last weekend was to unpack what has now been referred to has the "box room" since I've moved into this apartment. Two pizzas and numerous beers later, the box room is still the box room. Maybe this weekend...

The pizza place I went to had $1.50 bottles of beer. And a bar. New favorite bar? Good pizza and cheap beer? I think so.

One thing about having a little puppy, he's a people magnet. I met more neighbors on our morning bathroom walk this morning than I have the entire two months I've lived here. Still haven't met the neighbors with the empty cases of beer on their back porch or the couple with the big barbecue grill. That was my real intent when getting a dog.

My Powerball retirement plan has not been working out. So now I have to get ready to go to work. Adios.

Soooo cute! The dog that is. Don't abandon this one. Dogs have feelings too. He loves you. Don't break his heart and give up on him. You are his best friend.
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