Saturday, January 05, 2008

My New Year's Resolutions

Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun

I heard on the news yesterday that the majority of Americans give up on their resolutions by January 8th. That means 3 more days of not smoking, not drinking, exercising, eating healthy, etc....

My resolutions have been dead since day 1. Here they are:

Exercise - Yeah, I've done this one before sans results, but I'll try it again. Wait, wait, wait.... let me think about it. I'll start this one tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. I'm too tired to do any exercise today. Dang it.

Eat out/drink less - Wild card weekend is not a good time to start on this one. I have to put this one on hold too, at least until after the Super Bowl. Anybody for some Brianchacas at Wilhelm's today?

Keep the Apartment Organized - I cleaned up my apartment before I left on my vacation. And so far, it's still almost clean. I haven't unpacked my suitcase yet, but I figure that will come naturally as I feel the need to wear those clothes.

Yeah... that's about it. I don't want to set myself up for too much failure.

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