Friday, February 16, 2007

It's 2 in the Morning...

I just had someone knock on my door. He had the wrong house. If you knock on a door at 2 in the morning, you better be damn sure of where you are. At least I wasn't sleeping. This could have been quite disappointing.

This reminds of a couple of Saturday mornings when I had Jehovah's Witnesses come and knock on my door and woke me up. The first time it was a guy with his wife and kid. And the second time it was these two ladies.
Ladies - "We're here to tell you about your lord and savior, Jesus Christ." or something like that.
Me (in my underwear) - "Ok"
Ladies - "Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the great forgiver, the big cheese." or something like that.
Me - "Yes"
Ladies - "May we read you a passage from the good book?"
Me - "Ok"
Ladies - "blah, blah, blah, the lord loves you."
Me - "Thanks"
Door shuts.
If you want to convert me that early in the morning you better bring your game. The lady who read the passage looked awfully scared of me. Maybe I was the first person that didn't just slam the door shut on them when I saw who it was and she got all nervous. Maybe it was the sight of me in nothing but boxers. Oh well. I haven't seen them in a while.

When I lived at Chris's house, Mormons would always come around. Fortunately, they were always looking for him and not me. Apparently I'm not worth saving.

One time this crack addict came by trying to sell me a bottle of cleaner from him for like $20 a bottle. "Miracle cleaner" he said. He tried to clean a spot on the carpet by the door. Afterwards it looked the same, just wet. "No thanks" I said.

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