Monday, December 11, 2006

Life of Brian: Weekend Edition

So I had quite the eventful weekend this past weekend. Bob, roll the Highlight Reel.

Friday - Ah yes, the start of the madness. Friday night I went to Alex and Jenny's house to celebrate Alex's birthday. Alex was sick so she was chasing shots with a bottle of Pepto. Ugh. But it was a good time and I stumbled my way home at about 5 in the morning.

Saturday - Saturday was Christmas Party night. (yes, on Hanukkah). Gary invited me and Joyce to go with him to the Christmas Party for the women's prison. So after Happy Hour we jaunted on over to the Red Lion, which coincidentally was the site for Mandy's Clear Talk party. So when we had a minute we went over to the Clear Talk party (which by the way had some much better food). They even had a band, a semi-decent lounge act. After leaving the Red Lion Joyce, Gary, and I decided to go down town and we checked out the Acapulco Club. Going into that club is like stepping into Mexico. Every body there spoke Spanish (fortunately Bud Light is universal) and could dance the Mexican hat dance. It was quite the experience.

Sunday - Sunday of course is Football Day. I went to the Press Box to watch the Bengals crush the Raiders (go team!). And I ended up staying there for 7 hours of drinking fun. The Press Box seems to be the place to go if you want to go to a bar where random people who you don't know, just buy you drinks. And I meet some interesting people out there. Conversation about Rocky Balboa, Transformers, wrestling, and Hair of the Dog ensued.

Monday - This morning Natasha calls me and says, "Did you remember that you are working for me today?" Not quite wanted I wanted to hear in the morning after a solid day of drinking. Then I jump into the shower where I discover, with what can only be described as a reaction of shock and awe, that my water heater decided that heating water was not its true calling in life. I apologize to my neighbors for the screams of terror that followed.

And that pretty much sums it up. Thank you and good night.

Ready for the next bengals/steeler game?
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